Well, here we are! The last of these entertaining rapport-posts. It's seven thirthy in the morning and after a good night's no-sleep-at-all I have loads of energy to write this last post in the nick of time. Time to inject that last red bull in my arm and get to it.
Case 10 - Make a pretty menu with flowers(optional) for your game. Also make win and lose screens, with retry-buttons.If you read this blog at all you would already have seen the fruits of my labour, in the form of the Blindfighter Beta Version, which is now updated to the final version.
In other news, can not recall any lab-sessions or group-meetings detailing ways to make this menu-magic happen. What I did, though, was that I just began drawing and making text in flash, and finished the menu screen in a few hours. Then creating the other screens was no biggie. I spent a lot of time organizing my freakishly long script into bite-size chunks, or functions, which I could then call at the appropriate time or mouseclick-event. I also made sure to clean up after myself when something in the script is no longer used, so all chance of clutter-induced lag is eliminated.
As a last detail I have added a Rank-system to the game, ranging from 10(worst) to 1(best) which gives you an appropriate rank based on your completion time. All right, that concludes the obligated blog-posts. If you would like me to keep posting flash work and other possibly awesomely cool stuff on this blog in the future, please say so, or else I probably won't.
...And then my blog will become just like this blog.
Merry christmas, you filthy animals!
...and a Happy New Year.
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