Friday, October 30

The Game: Case 5 - Ground and Gravity

I know I haven't been very regular with these blog posts lately due to various circumstances, but we've already come to Case 7 and now I'm gonna have to really step up my game. Literally.

Case 5: "Creating a more advanced groundline to move along, and gravity physics for jumping".

Since I was totally put out of play by my appendix surgery during the "Case 5 week" there's not really much I can say about what went on at school and with the others, but I did complete the case nonetheless. In the process of creating a new, more curvy ground that my fighter could move along, I also created some background art to go along with it (which you can see here). It just seemed like the right thing to do. I got some tips from Svein, and by using a while loop checking when the ground and the fighter touched, I could keep him on the ground by pushing against gravity, which was pushing down on the y-axis. During the previous cases I had already implemented simple gravity physics, as is demonstrated in my Case 4 post.

Additionally I can share my solution to a problem i have run into a lot in my code in general, which is getting the right animations to play in the right situation. Like getting the idle animation to only play while my character is on the ground and not doing anything else. What I have done is just use a lot of if(!jumping && !attacking && !drooling) conditionals, that check if "activity variables" I have created are false. So in this case if my character is NOT jumping, attacking or ...drooling, he will be idle. Hope that helps someone out there. Stay tuned for more rapport-ish posts this weekend.

Thursday, October 22

Flight Binder!

I'm back baby! 
And boy do I have a treat for you loyal blogreaders out there. The Blindfighter game is coming together, after much toil and trouble getting the right codes together. I've also come quite far in creating my first background, and I'm really happy with it. Updates that differ from the last version are listed on DeviantArt. Check it out now!

Pretty awesome, huh? Any hot nerdy girls out there are welcome to send letters of admiration. Everyone else are free to leave comments.

This concludes Case 5 and probably also Case 6. As enforced by school law, I will also update with more detailed Case summaries later. Until then, have a great weekend. :)

Thursday, October 15

Appendix Pending

So, just to clarify why I haven't been updating this blog in a while; last Saturday my appendix said 'suck it, douchebag' and killed itself, meaning i spent the day in increasing agony before slicing up my stomach and removing the useless intestine myself.
And by myself i mean doctors did it. In a hospital.

Anyways, I'm on the mend and though I haven't been able to walk properly without pains, I really thought I could get to school today to catch up with things... but looks like i couldn't. I've checked out Case 5 on fronter though, and we're supposed to begin making terrain and scripting collision detection this week. Sounds fun, but haven't been feeling up to it before today. Check back for an update later this weekend!