Wednesday, September 30

The Game: Case 4 - Controlled Movement

Yes, it's case number foar! Moar ackshinscr1pt.
"Make your character move using the arrowkeys, walking left, right and assuming resting position corresponding to the key pressed. Also work to better your animations and make them more fluid."

First of all, I must say that accomplishing new things in game scripting is absolutely freaking fabulous, and ridicilously motivating. This case was a breeze, much thanks to random tutorials i found on the net, not to mention THIS ebook-preview, which i heartily recommend to everyone struggling with this case. While skimming through said book, I could not help but think: Why the HELL is this not our main reference book for Animation class? I mean, instead of intricately describing every term of the actionscript language like Learning ActionScript 3.0 does, this book just gets right into it, and with mind-blowingly easy-to-follow examples takes you through every step of the way to creating a pretty awesome and advanced platform game. Teaches you how to apply some great physic simulation as well, like friction, gravity and acceleration. It even makes you breakfast in the morning. OK, enough advertising.

Check out the above example to play around with my character.

Currently I am working on implementing more physics in my game, and it is fun fun fun. The above example uses no "gravity" for the jump, in case u wonderin', just gradual jumpspeed reduction and reversing while in the air. Also, I'm making more animations like attacks and "inbetweens" like landing, breathing while standing still, etc.

Leave some comments telling me what you think (criticism welcome), and let me know if you want me to post some of my script to help you guys out. Better yet, just add me on msn: Toonsta out!

1 comment:

  1. sitte å lese dinna ebook-preview greie. rula gata! :D dei skrive jævlig chill.
