Thursday, September 24

The Game: Case 3 - Programming Part 1

Things have happened since my last post! The next step in our game creation requires us to set our character in motion on the stage using ActionScript 3.0, in an external .as file. Having some experience with ActionScript 2.0, I recognize the ActionScript vocabulary and basic terms such as functions, events and variables. What is different though, is the entire structure and implementation of the language. Basically, I know some of the words, but don't quite know where to put them anymore. That said, having been working with it since Monday I think I've gotten relatively good at it. I helped a lot of people in class today and in doing so gained even better understanding of it myself. I've also read chapter 1 and 2 of Learning ActionScript 3.0 and really put in an effort to try to see how the mundane examples in the book could play out in a bigger game script. It's damn text heavy stuff though. Much like this blog post.

Anyway, moving my character using the script was actually quite easy when I got into it, so Case 3 is pretty much done. My character is scurrying along nicely across the screen, turning around when he hits the edges of the stage, trapped in an inescapable loop of horror for all eternity. Sweet. Currently I'm working on using the keyboard to control the character. I knew how to do this in AS 2.0 but now I am at a loss. Going to check out some awesome interweb online flashtutorials next and i feel confident I'll get it down soon enough.

Additionally, I've redone my character so he is smaller and faster to draw. Incidentally, he also looks a bit more cartoonish now. I really liked the old design, however it was too huge and drawing new poses was killing me. Th-Th-Thats all folks!

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