Wednesday, September 9

Case 1 update

In accordance with recent coolness polls it seems inevitable that my blog has to turn English eventually. So I'm speeding up the transition process and starting right now. Boom.

Moving on, I've worked on a game idea for a few days only to realize I don't need a huge, elaborate plot with twists and turns
to fulfill the game creation criteria. In fact, it'll only slow me down. So I went right along and came up with this: "A sidescrolling fighter game in which you play an arabian theif captured by the notoriously vicious authorities. As an example to the public, both his eyes are gouged out and he is thrown in jail. Hell-bent on revenge he breaks out and starts beating up everyone in his way." Basically, you fight enemies, and collect items they drop to gain points. Simple.

Working title of my game is "Blindfighter". Here are some of the challenges I have to overcome and some optional ideas I want to try working into the game:
1.Scripting Combo moves
2.Decide which items to collect (enemy eyeballs? :o)
3.Creating decent AI.
4.Making a Boss fight at the end.
Also, I might like to implement some kind of handicap, etc. to make a point out of that he is, in fact, blind. ...Or maybe he's just THAT bad ass.

Here's the first flash sketch of the hero.


  1. welcome to the english side! kult konsept, litt prince of persia aktig. =)

  2. Nice, hope you can get the character to do combos and such, would be awesome :P Good idea to have some goals, just to challenge yourself!

    That's some sweet flash skills you have there, nice character concept for a game
