Wednesday, September 30

The Game: Case 4 - Controlled Movement

Yes, it's case number foar! Moar ackshinscr1pt.
"Make your character move using the arrowkeys, walking left, right and assuming resting position corresponding to the key pressed. Also work to better your animations and make them more fluid."

First of all, I must say that accomplishing new things in game scripting is absolutely freaking fabulous, and ridicilously motivating. This case was a breeze, much thanks to random tutorials i found on the net, not to mention THIS ebook-preview, which i heartily recommend to everyone struggling with this case. While skimming through said book, I could not help but think: Why the HELL is this not our main reference book for Animation class? I mean, instead of intricately describing every term of the actionscript language like Learning ActionScript 3.0 does, this book just gets right into it, and with mind-blowingly easy-to-follow examples takes you through every step of the way to creating a pretty awesome and advanced platform game. Teaches you how to apply some great physic simulation as well, like friction, gravity and acceleration. It even makes you breakfast in the morning. OK, enough advertising.

Check out the above example to play around with my character.

Currently I am working on implementing more physics in my game, and it is fun fun fun. The above example uses no "gravity" for the jump, in case u wonderin', just gradual jumpspeed reduction and reversing while in the air. Also, I'm making more animations like attacks and "inbetweens" like landing, breathing while standing still, etc.

Leave some comments telling me what you think (criticism welcome), and let me know if you want me to post some of my script to help you guys out. Better yet, just add me on msn: Toonsta out!

Thursday, September 24

The Game: Case 3 - Programming Part 1

Things have happened since my last post! The next step in our game creation requires us to set our character in motion on the stage using ActionScript 3.0, in an external .as file. Having some experience with ActionScript 2.0, I recognize the ActionScript vocabulary and basic terms such as functions, events and variables. What is different though, is the entire structure and implementation of the language. Basically, I know some of the words, but don't quite know where to put them anymore. That said, having been working with it since Monday I think I've gotten relatively good at it. I helped a lot of people in class today and in doing so gained even better understanding of it myself. I've also read chapter 1 and 2 of Learning ActionScript 3.0 and really put in an effort to try to see how the mundane examples in the book could play out in a bigger game script. It's damn text heavy stuff though. Much like this blog post.

Anyway, moving my character using the script was actually quite easy when I got into it, so Case 3 is pretty much done. My character is scurrying along nicely across the screen, turning around when he hits the edges of the stage, trapped in an inescapable loop of horror for all eternity. Sweet. Currently I'm working on using the keyboard to control the character. I knew how to do this in AS 2.0 but now I am at a loss. Going to check out some awesome interweb online flashtutorials next and i feel confident I'll get it down soon enough.

Additionally, I've redone my character so he is smaller and faster to draw. Incidentally, he also looks a bit more cartoonish now. I really liked the old design, however it was too huge and drawing new poses was killing me. Th-Th-Thats all folks!

Wednesday, September 16

The Game: Case 2 - Animating

Case 2 has arrived, and I'm well on my way to making my character move. Finished a jumping animation, crouching animation and idle animation. I animate mainly frame-by-frame, and it has worked out pretty well so far. My only worry is that when the time comes to put everything together in the end and code it, I'll get kicked in the face by all my vector points since I use the brush tool to paint. A good tip even if you use the brush is to go Modify - Shape - Optimize, and just go all out on the optimizing. This can reduce your vector points drastically without destroying your sweet art style.

I won't bother with uploading any animated loops this time, but If you haven't already, you should definitely check out me (and my awesome Jømpkøtt Production friends') youtube page. It's good for a few laughs.

JØMPKØTT YOUTUBE CHANNEL <- Be there or be square.

Saturday, September 12

Case 1 update 2

Just a quick update: Finished the running-animation for the Blindfighter. I think it turned out pretty sweet, let me know what you guys think. It's frame-by-frame animated with six different poses. Obviously it's not super-smooth, but I can always come back later and add more inbetweens if i deem it necessary. Also, having some trouble finding the best way to post swf. files on the blog so for now you can only view it on deviantArt. Out!

Wednesday, September 9

Case 1 update

In accordance with recent coolness polls it seems inevitable that my blog has to turn English eventually. So I'm speeding up the transition process and starting right now. Boom.

Moving on, I've worked on a game idea for a few days only to realize I don't need a huge, elaborate plot with twists and turns
to fulfill the game creation criteria. In fact, it'll only slow me down. So I went right along and came up with this: "A sidescrolling fighter game in which you play an arabian theif captured by the notoriously vicious authorities. As an example to the public, both his eyes are gouged out and he is thrown in jail. Hell-bent on revenge he breaks out and starts beating up everyone in his way." Basically, you fight enemies, and collect items they drop to gain points. Simple.

Working title of my game is "Blindfighter". Here are some of the challenges I have to overcome and some optional ideas I want to try working into the game:
1.Scripting Combo moves
2.Decide which items to collect (enemy eyeballs? :o)
3.Creating decent AI.
4.Making a Boss fight at the end.
Also, I might like to implement some kind of handicap, etc. to make a point out of that he is, in fact, blind. ...Or maybe he's just THAT bad ass.

Here's the first flash sketch of the hero.

Monday, September 7

The Game: Case 1 - Design

I Animasjon og Interaktivitet har vi fått følgjande oppgåve:
"Lag eit plattformspel i Flash med ein karakter som kan bevege seg fram og attende, samt hoppe. Karakteren skal kunne samle ymse objekt som ein får poeng for. Utover dette er det berre å køyre på." Oppgåva er delt opp i såkalla "Cases", eller "verdidelmål og målstrategier", som Jon G. Bernander ville sagt. Case 1 går ut på å klekkje ut ein spelidé, samt teikne hovudkarakteren i spelet. Eg kjem til å oppdatere bloggen på løpande band etterkvart som eg gjer framgang i prosjektet. Heng med!

Wednesday, September 2

Blogg Shmogg

Launch day! Velkommen til Ola Tandstad sin heilt flunkande nye blogg, som i all hovudsak kjem til å handle om mote og livsstil, men også andre ting. Mest andre ting. Ytterst lite mote og livsstil egentlig. Berre andre ting.